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The Power of a Gratitude Journal

There is something so powerful and amazing about the act of giving thanks, that's it's hard not to notice. Changed lives, changed minds, and changed hearts happen when we give thanks to God. Giving thanks brings joy. Giving thanks brings peace. Giving thanks gives us healing and encouragement. Why, you ask? When we intentionally take our minds off ourselves and our difficult circumstances and instead, place them on God and the gifts He's giving us... everything changes. Our mindset, our outlook, our mood and even our spirit begins to lift. We start to notice the calming effects of a grateful spirit move within our soul.

We were specifically designed by God our Creator to give Him praise, glory and gratitude. So, doesn't it make sense that when we choose to live into His specific purpose, design and calling that we're going to operate at our healthiest, best-self that we were made to be? Of course! We want to be grateful people! Enter a gratitude journal.

Why the Need for a Gratitude Journal? God doesn't ask us to keep a gratitude journal...the journal keeping is for us. It's a spiritual exercise designed to train our minds to give thanks in all things. The act of recording our thanks to God is a visible reminder and spiritual marker of who God is and how much He loves us. It's an incredible experience to look back and see all that God has done in our lives throughout the year. When we write the date next to our gratitude entries, they read like a journal or a diary. Months later when we flip back and re-read our journal, the story of God's work in our life unfolds before our very eyes. We recall the memories, read His provisions, and then end up doubly thanking Him. We re-thank God for our previous thanks. Recirculated gratitude! Did I just make up a word? When our faith gets rocked or the storms of life hit, our gratitude practice is what breeds our trust in Him. By re-reading our entries, we're reminded of His faithfulness over and over and over. He can be trusted and because of Him, we can have peace. In the One Word One Year Faith Journey there is a built-in Gratitude Journal. 84 numbered blank lines at the end of every month make up the Give Thanks Challenge. That's enough blank lines to write at least 3 gratitude entries a day. If 84 gratitude entries are completed for 12 months, there will be over 1000 recorded gratitude entries in a year!! His blessings in our lives never run out. We can't praise or thank Him too much. There will always be something to be thankful for, always!

Helpful Gratitude Tips: Over the years of recording gratitude entries in the Give Thanks Challenge of the One Word One Year Faith Journey book, I've come across some very helpful tips that have worked for me and many others. 1. Choose a set time every morning or evening to sit down and write out as many gratitude entries as possible on the Give Thanks Challenge pages. Recall the day or the previous day and thank God for all the blessings and surprises and interactions. When finished close the book continuing to praise God all day long. It's OK if some gratitude entries are written down and others are not. It's OK to praise God for the sunshine every day. (When you live in Seattle, that is a BIG praise!) 2. Write down a few words, a few sentences or even a few paragraphs. Don't let the numbers on the page limit the thanks. Yes, we're trying to record over 1000 gratitude entries in a year, but that shouldn't stop us from doing more. After a few weeks or months of getting into a gratitude recording habit or 'groove', forget about the numbers on the page and just freely write. Write paragraphs of praise. Write blessings after blessings. Multiple entries on one line. Talk to Him and let the praises flow. 3. Thank God for the big things, the small things and even the hard things. The good things and the pleasures of life are easy to give thanks for, but what about those hard and difficult things...when adversity strikes, or big disappointments take place? How do we give thanks when we're at our lowest and it feels as if we can't find one thing to thank God for? Well, this is when our trust kicks in. This is when we thank Him in advance. We thank Him for what He's doing that we cannot see. We thank Him for how He will provide. We thank Him for His good purpose and plans that He has in store for us, even in our current pains and hardships. When we praise Him in these times, our minds are reset on His power, provisions and love for us. Our bodies begin to relax in the remembrance that He's in control, He can be trusted, and He cares.

No Handwriting Gratitude Journal Options A few friends have told me that they can't physically write out their gratitude because writing is too painful or time consuming for them. Here's some options to consider that don't require a pen or paper. 1. If you can type, start a gratitude journal in a Word document or online. There are many free online gratitude journal programs to choose from. Google: Free Gratitude Journal and choose the one that works for you. 2. If typing is too painful, use the microphone on your phone. You can speak your gratitude entries into the Notes app or into a Gratitude recording app. A few of my friends have used the Gratitude Jar App and love it. Whatever you do, don't give up on this practice! It's impossible to praise God or thank Him too much--- He is worthy of all our praise and thanksgivings! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 105:3


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