The following list of words is not exhaustive, but a sample selection of words to help you as you choose your One Word for the year. Use this list as a tool. Your One Word may or may not be on this list. Remember, you really can't choose a wrong word. God can work with anyone, anything and any word!

abide abound abstain abundant accept act action adore adventure advocate alert allow amen appreciate
arise aspire assured attention attitude available aware awake awe balance battle be beauty begin behold
believe bless blessing bloom bold brave break breathe bright bouquet

calm care centered celebrate certainly challenge
change cherish clarity clean clear close closer commit comfort compassion confident connect conqueror consecrate consistent courage creation create creativity crusade curious daughter declare deep delight depend devoted different diligence direction discipline discover do dream dwell
embody embrace embody empower encourage endure energy endurance engage enjoy enlightened enough evolve explore faith faithful fall fast father fearless no fear fell fellowship filled finish flourish flow focus forgive forbearance fortitude forward freedom friend fruit/fruitful fueled fulfilled fun

generous gentle give glow glory go/let go grace grateful gratitude growth happy heal health healthy heart help holy home honest honor hope humble humility hunger identity ignite illuminate imagine improve inspire integrity intention intentional internalize intimate Jesus joy journey jubilee kind kindness know laugh lead leader learn leap let less lift light lighthearted listen look love loyal

magnify make manifest marriage minimize momentum more mother move near nearer new notice
nurture obedience obey one open opportunity optimism order organize over overflow pace pause passion patience pause peace persevere persistence play possibility power praise pray prayer prayerful prepared presence present prioritize progress promise purpose push
quench quiet radiate reach real rebuild redeemed reflect relax relearn release relationship relentless rely remember resilient resist resolve respect rest restore reveal revive rise risk rooted run satisfy save savior savor search see seek secure self-control selflessness
serenity serve share shift shine silence silent sit simple simplify simplicity slow smile soar soft son soul space stand star stay steadfast stewardship still/be still stillness step strength strong
submit support sustain surrender survive

teach tethered think thoughtful thrive time transform today trust truth turn unafraid understand unleash
unstoppable uphold uplift vigilant vision vitality walk warrior well where whole wholehearted within wisdom word worthy worship yield zealous.
Do you have a word that isn't on my list?
Let me know and I'll add it.
email me at michellepaigeblogs@gmail.com